Category: Professional Development

How Much Should I Charge Survey 2024- The Results!

The results from our “How Much Should I Charge?” survey are in! The purpose of the survey was to gather information on price & price structures, regional differences and market area differences, in the hope of helping teachers when setting their prices or changing prices which can sometimes be tricky and a cause of anxiety!… Read more »

The Pilates Retreat- 4 reasons why it’s a ‘Must Do”!

It is just over a month before our next Pilates Retreat in Tarifa, Spain and I am already dreaming of our Pilates heaven. Joining me on a Pilates Retreat is a unique experience to deepen your knowledge, insight and understanding of Pilates both on a professional and a personal level. It is the ideal opportunity… Read more »

Don’t say the C word!!

A long time ago (around 1996) in a galaxy far, far away……. the Core was born! Emerging from studies which demonstrated a change in onset timing of trunk muscles in persistent back pain and back injury, a whole industry based on the importance of core stability and training was brought to life. Pilates was one… Read more »

Why Am I (Still) In Pain? And what can Pilates really do?

This is a question we are so often asked as Pilates teachers. Many people come to Pilates looking for a solution to long term pain- sometimes even unrealistically promised that Pilates will solve their pain.  I say unrealistic as we can’t promise to even reduce pain as pain is complicated, no-one fully understands how pain… Read more »

The Joy of Teaching Older Adults

“We retire too early and we die too young, our prime of life should be in the 70s and old age should not come until we are almost 100” Inspirational words by Joseph Pilates, who thoroughly lived and breathed his Method, remaining strong and vigorous well into his 80s. As people are living longer than… Read more »

Imposter Syndrome

Recently, we surveyed many Pilates teachers asking about their fears and concerns of being a Pilates teacher. 80% said they suffered from Imposter Syndrome, doubting themselves and feeling like a fraud. On delving deeper, this belief appears to arise from several sources. Insecurities- of feeling they do not have enough knowledge and experience, of being… Read more »

Ready, Steady, Go……….Teach Your First Pilates Class!

To all the fabulous JPilates Mat graduates and any one else who is starting up their Pilates business, Now that you have passed your exams with flying colours, it’s time put put all that knowledge and hard work not practise and start your classes and sessions! Even though we had our Business & Marketing session,… Read more »

How Safe Are Your Pilates Classes?

I originally wrote this blog for a Pilates Reformer studio to be given out to their instructors. The points raised though are fundamental for safety in all Pilates classes and indeed any exercise environment, just replace the word Reformer with any piece of equipment! Participating in any exercise programme carries a risk of injury, (in… Read more »