The Pilates Pole (or simply the broom handle!) is such an amazingly simple prop, bringing profound changes in movement as it helps to enhance natural alignment and centre connection taking your client’s practise and technique to a new level.
As always the devil is in the detail so you will really enhance your knowledge of the exercises as well as finding fresh inspiration. We will also explore how you can use the Pilates Pole to deeply enhance your hands on teaching, supporting and challenging your client’s ability.
This practical workshop will be delivered live stream and will be recorded so you can watch back after to reinforce your learning and if you are unable to attend live. Recordings are available for 30 days
Our courses and workshops are research based and internationally recognised and credited CPD courses.
Ongoing learning and development will enable you to:
• Keep up-to-date with the latest research and approaches
• Apply your learning in 1-1 and group settings
• Promote your ongoing learning and expertise in your Marketing, to retain and gain clients.
For more information please contact or telephone 07812076919
“Jo has such a lovely manner and delivers her training sessions with enthusiasm, confidence, an abundance of knowledge with a little bit of humour thrown into the mix.”