Mat Breakdown

This workshop is designed to boost your understanding of the Mat Repertoire and how to break down the exercises without losing the true intention and purpose!

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Workshop details

Do you ever feel stuck with the modifications of the exercises that you learnt on your original training? Do you want to feel more confident in progressing your clients to the advanced exercises? Do you feel there are gaps in your understanding of the full Mat Repertoire? Do you sometimes feel you teach modifications that have no real connection to the original exercise?

Mat Breakdown

What you will learn:

• To deepen your understanding of the original intentions of each exercise and how to stay true to them even if you adapt the exercise.

• To ensure sure that the modifications you teach will lead the client towards the full exercise

• To understand the elements and pre-requisites needed to correctly perform the advanced exercises

• To feel confident that when you change an exercise, it still has Pilates purpose and value.

Dates & cost

You need to be a qualified Pilates teacher to attend.

This 6 hour workshop is available for 30 days from date of purchase

Cost: £150 (incl VAT)

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Why should you do CPD?

Our courses and workshops are research based and internationally recognised and credited CPD courses.
Ongoing learning and development will enable you to:

• Keep up-to-date with the latest research and approaches

• Apply your learning in 1-1 and group settings

• Promote your ongoing learning and expertise in your Marketing, to retain and gain clients.

For more information please contact or telephone 07812076919

“I have loved each and every one of the JPilates workshops and always look forward to the next one I treat myself too!”

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