A few weeks ago during the spell of wintry weather I posted this image on social media as a “tongue-in-cheek” joke. Many of you know that #CrackOn is very much at the centre of my teaching style and it is not just slightly callous and unsympathetic, but is based on a belief that in order to help… Read more »
One of the most common conversations I have with teachers is about art of correction. I call it an art as I believe that correction requires creativity, intuition and thinking outside of the box as well as knowledge. Often teachers say that they can see that something is not right but are not sure of… Read more »
The Trinity in Pilates refers to the inner thighs, back of the hips and the abdominals and keeping them connected gives us an amazing column of strength in which to move from. Maintaining this connection is not only crucial as our clients progress to more advanced exercises but essential for our postural health. Increasingly over… Read more »
The other day I was mentoring a wonderful teacher and she asked what she could do to add further intensity and challenge to her Mat programme to make sure her clients do not get bored. My answer was, “You don’t need to go higher, you need to go deeper” It struck me that this is… Read more »
Beware! There is something dangerous about Pilates. Could it be one of the moves that should never be taught? Is it a spinal position that should be avoided at all costs? Is it a certain condition which is contraindicated for all exercises? No, it is a thankfully rare species of Pilates instructor known as the… Read more »
The ability of Pilates to completely change and improve someone’s quality of life never ceases to amaze me. It is a true testament to the life-long dedication that Joe Pilates gave to his method that it can improve and enhance the ability to move and function regardless of limitations. In my job as a Pilates… Read more »
This week I found myself flicking through a gardening magazine in a waiting room, (not my usual reading material but there was not much else on offer!) and I came across an article which really struck a chord with me and my thoughts on some aspects of the Pilates industry. The writer, Monty Don, was… Read more »
Joseph Pilates was undoubtedly an inventor and a genius! He was definitely at least 50 years ahead of his time as so many people say. How did he know to create a piece of equipment to alleviate stressed out wrists, fingers, elbows and the upper body from hand-held devices and everyday living? This simple piece… Read more »