Category: Joseph Pilates

Breath is a tool, not a rule

“The deep breathing which is an integral part of every evolution keeps blood well aereated: fully oxygenated and ‘clean’ “ [1] Joseph Pilates believed taking full and complete inhalation & exhalation through each exercises, fresh, oxygenated blood would be pumped to every cell in the body and take away fatigue-inducing toxins. He even invented a… Read more »

Get to Know Joe Pilates by Cathy Strack- A Book Review

I absolutely love reading the stories, anecdotes and memories of Joseph Pilates, it adds colour, depth and a stronger understanding of what and why we teach his Method. I was so excited to read Cathy Strack’s highly anticipated book, “Get to Know Joe Pilates” and it did not disappoint. I was delighted when Tracey Waples,… Read more »

JPilates on Tour. NYC-The Inside Scoop!

Reflecting on my trip to New York, I can officially say it was the Pilates experience of a lifetime! Even 4 weeks later, I am still processing the influences and inspiration I gained from the amazing people I met.  The tour began in the most auspicious way when my copy of  “Get to Know Joe… Read more »

Don’t Go Higher-Go Deeper!

The other day I was mentoring a wonderful teacher and she asked what she could do to add further intensity and challenge to her Mat programme to make sure her clients do not get bored. My answer was, “You don’t need to go higher, you need to go deeper” It struck me that this is… Read more »

The Danger Of Pilates

Beware! There is something dangerous about Pilates. Could it be one of the moves that should never be taught? Is it a spinal position that should be avoided at all costs? Is it a certain condition which is contraindicated for all exercises? No, it is a  thankfully rare species of Pilates instructor known as the… Read more »