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Virtual Nights Out
Business & Marketing

Risk Assessments & all that jazz!

Update your knowledge and relevant documents as we catch up on changes to the PAR-Q, risk assessments and more. Below are the documents discussed.

Healthy & Safety Law Poster
Get Active Questionnaire
Reference document
GDPR Audit example


How Much Should I Charge survey 2024- The Results!

The results from our “How Much Should I Charge?” survey are in!

The purpose of the survey was to gather information on price & price structures, regional differences and market area differences, in the hope of helping teachers when setting their prices or changing prices which can sometimes be tricky and a cause of anxiety!


Face Your Fears & Unleash Success
Join me to discuss the results of the Face Your Fears questionnaire and explore various thoughts and strategies to move past the worries and concerns Pilates teachers may have.


Pilates & Men- Survey Results Revealed!
The results from the survey certainly contain some surprises and really highlight just how much we can do to encourage more men to Pilates. Pilates & Men for a summary of the results.

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Virtual nights out

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Access invaluable teaching resources such as Teacher classes, class plans, webinars covering topics such as Pilates specific A&P, business and marketing and more.

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